Who loves getting their teeth worked on? Most people don't, I hate it, gives me sweaty palms and a sour stomach. I have been in need of a tooth replacement for about 20 years, but it was one of my back teeth so I put it off, obviously. I finally bit the bullet, (snort) and decided to get and implant. I can't believe I waited this long!! My experience was amazing. They agreed to see me after hours because of my hectic schedule, it took less than 30 minutes for the procedure. You would think drilling a metal screw into your mandible would cause swelling and severe pain, but I had minor throbbing at best. I was able to eat the next day and less than 48 hours later there is no sensitivity. I took one pain pill the night of the implant, but didn't need anymore after that. Highly recommend getting your major ortho work here!!