My visit on Saturday afternoon was probably my third or fourth time to have eaten at this restaurant. The food is good -- Pho broth is flavorful and fragrant. The ponytailed gentleman has been in attendance every single time I've been in. He is cordial but quiet. My biggest caveat is not about the food or the service (service is very average). I had suspected this before, but after having read similar concerns I now realize I wasn't crazy. They routinely overcharge you here. I paid close attention to the prices of what I ordered -- 2 bowls of Pho, $7.28 each. One spring roll appetizer, $4.28. One soda ($2 maybe?) My little charge slip says my total was $26.75. My math tells me that's about $6 more than it should have been, even adding tax in. This is unnaceptable. I did not say anything - paid my bill and left a $5 tip. Consider yourself warned.