As a straight white male I share the Bill Hicks view of clubs...
I only go once a year to get my fill of hate for the next 364 days. I'm like a hate camel a club is the oasis where I fill my hump. I mean I have no reason to be there. I'm not social, I don't dance and paying $12 dollars for a beer just makes me angry. It makes no sense.
But Jack, You can meet women in clubs!
Why would I want to meet someone I don't respect.?
It was hot and it was sweaty and the place just made me feel dirty and not in a good way. They named it Rok even though I heard no rock music playing anywhere. Just that techo crap they made my eyes hurt and ears bleed. But there was a surprise guest at the end of the night Naughty by Nature!!! A bunch of washed up hip hop stars who are reduced to playing their singles for tourist
Are you down with OPP? Yeah you know me!
Oh and speaking of OPP I got no play in the club what so ever except by one girl. A girl wearing a tiara and sash that read bachelorette! Not only did she want to dance with me she wanted me to go back to her room. I'm sure she is going to make some poor sucker really happy.
Rok Vegas? No thank you. I have had my fill for another year. In the mean time I will stick to things I enjoy venues that play live music and bars with awesome jukeboxes.