| - I wouldn't give these people ANY stars, if there was an option for that. They are some of the worst Property Management people. I recently moved into a house they listed and its been trouble ever since. They are very rude and don't seem to know what they're doing. This is my first time renting my own place, and they know that, so I figured they'd at least try to make things go smoothly as possible. I couldn't be more wrong.
First, I have a realtor friend who's helped me work with these people and they've not made it easy for her or myself in dealing with them. At one point they even had the nerve to tell me, "I understand that your realtor gets paid, but at this point it should really be just you and us talking here.." I didn't understand how a lot of the things worked that we needed to send to them or sign and so I asked my realtor for help. It was easier to have her speak with them instead of playing telephone with me in the middle. Anyways, I was approved for the house I liked.
They kept calling me every 20min for a day to keep telling me to fax over this, or get this from the bank and send it over. I did each of these tasks and then they'd come up with something new I needed to get to them. It wouldn't have been a problem at all had they told me once what all they required of me so I could get it (I should mention that the other person on my lease is my sister and at the time she was still in Tucson waiting to move up here once I'd found a place, further complicating the things they demanded of me). Once all the paperwork was given to them, we paid what was asked of us and they waited until the DAY we were going to sign the lease (in fact just two hours before) to tell me that I needed to buy renter's insurance because of my pet (a toy bolognese dog).
I know its a good thing to have, but they not only didn't tell me until the last minute, but it wasn't mentioned in the WEEK we dealt with them signing papers, giving fees, etc. I was so pissed! Especially because I was at work at the time. Luckily I work somewhere I was able to use the internet to search for insurance as well as make the necessary calls to purchase it. I can only imagine if we had been busy at work that day.
At the lease signing I brought my realtor. She asked for copies of everything (for her files) and the lady "helping" us from Barrett Eastman was quick to give her attitude saying she doesn't know why my realtor would "need those." They then chose that moment to say that I needed to have turned on the utilities before signing my lease. This is ironic because the utility people didn't want to turn anything on until I'd faxed over a signed copy of my lease. Ahh.
So, we were able to worry about that a little later. She wanted a picture of my dog, which would have been nice to know when I was trying to gather everything we'd need that day, but my sister had one on her cellphone. They also gave us a bunch of keys and told us they "didn't know which one is the house key, but its one of those." This later became a problem when we had the place re-keyed through the company they use and they in turn gave us a whole new set of four keys, aside from the two "new" ones she gave us (they don't match the keys the re-key company gave us, so we're tossing them).
A few days ago, I had to contact these people again (by now I like having as little contact with them as possible) about where I can get my mail. The house is in a subdivision and there's mailboxes everywhere, but nowhere in the packet of paperwork they gave us does it say which mailbox is ours or where its at. I literally walked to two different mailboxes and tried all three mailkeys they gave us on every single box. I called them up and asked what I needed to do. She said they don't have that information and to call the US Postal Service to find my carrier.
I have been super friendly to these people and maybe its because they have about as much personality as a brick wall, but they are just hard to deal with. Also, we did a walk through with our realtor the day before we went to sign the lease. For some reason, the lady helping us seemed really bothered that we'd done this, and said they only do those AFTER the person moves in. In any event, they accepted our list of issues and problems with the house (cracked tile in places, stove not working, garbage disposal not working, etc). None of these items has been addressed as she said they were going to be. She said that with the stove not working (which just turned out to be a breaker) and the garbage disposal not turning on at all, that she'd have someone "take care of it." Has it been done? I think you know the answer to that.
I'm seriously dreading have to make the call to these people to send maintance people out to my home. They've ruined my very first big move on our own and I hope to have fewer dealings with them, but I'm only two weeks into my one year lease.
Oh, boy.