Ive had some of my greatest, most memorable, most outlandish Vegas nights at Tao. Halloween 05...partying with Mr. Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous on one side and Dennis Rodman on the other. The night that I saw Paris on the catwalk by the VIP Den next to Fat Joe who had grabbed a mic and started flowin' and him almost knocking her over. Halloween last year when I went dressed as Clayton Bigsby (the black white supremacist from Dave Chappelle skit) in full KKK gown and had a line of people wanting to take my picture (it was unbelievable I tell ya...the story of that night). So many memorable nights at Tao that I could honestly write pages about them and still probably not finish. Lets just say that Tao is my favorite of the major clubs on the Strip because the music is always good, the crowd always hot and sexy, the drinks always stiff, and the vibe always rockstar. If youre there and can score a table, do it. Yep...its a hefy cost, but the return on your investment (especially if your a guy) will probably be worth your while. As many times as Ive been to Tao, never a bad experience. That is the sign of a great nightclub.