They do a very poor job for what you pay. if you have a higher end car, they will ruin the paint. They are declining over the years. i used to be able to get reasonable wash here. Now the jets that spray the pink and blue foam are clogged and only drop globs of foam instead of an even layer of spray. The pre rinse/wash is non existent on my last 2 visits. I paid for a spray wax. 5 out 6 times they tried to say they were done without ever touching the roof. There are several people walking around with manger printed on their shirts that don't seem to give a darn about the type of work being done. The other huge turn off is the high pressure sales tactics to upgrade whatever service you are requesting.
If you want a car wash that will just grind dirt into your paint and do an overall terrible job, this is the place for you. They could care less about the quality of work they do.