The prophecy is true. The grouchy man has risen from the wasteland to save us from the evils of bad coffee. That's basically what his twitter profile says anyway.
I visited Grouchy John this morning while he was parked in front of Slidin Thru HQ. At the truck with John was JJ, the author of Bloodsucking Vegas. I thought he looked familiar. With today's secret word, I was able to get a Caramel Mocha Latte and a Chai Tea Latte. Double fisted gourmet coffee FTW! I don't get coffee often, so it was a good way to sample the grouchy man's menu. I thoroughly enjoyed the Caramel Mocha. It was uber-sweet and would satisfy any sweet tooth. On the flip side, the Chai was much milder.
Like I said, I don't get a lot of coffee. To me, there is simply good and bad coffee. On that simple pass-fail scale, Grouchy John's certainly serves up some good cups of Joe. At $3 for the Chai Tea and $3.50 for the Caramel Mocha (both 12oz cups), the prices are on the upper end. Still, I'm a fan. In the increasingly crowded Vegas street vendor scene, I hope he does well. Time will tell.