Way overpriced. I bought their "cup shake" for about $6.00. It was served in a water cup (like the tiny cups you get for free water at take-out restaurants) and the shake didn't even fill THAT cup. The guy scooping the ice cream commented to us that the ice cream had been sitting out too long as he slopped a scoop of "ice cream" into the mixer. I had to ask him to go get ice cream that was actually cold.
What was just as bad was the service. The two of us walked in and weren't greeted by the three employees talking and re-stocking the shelves. After way too long of none of them acknowledging us, the only two people in the store, I had to say hi and share that my friend hadn't been in before. The employees acted like we were a huge inconvenience and we were more than an hour away from closing. This place has gone way downhill with prices that are being jacked up. What a disappointment.