| - We came in from out of town and got our 5 month Jack Russell Terrior "weezie" groomed. She was barking up a storm not being a happy camper, but I figured she needs to learn. I was told to pick her up in a couple of hours. Two hours passed and she was not ready, I was told to wait 45 more minutes. When she was ready, Weezie was very calm. The groomer said she finally got used to the groomer. I took her home and an hour later she had a seizure. I immediately called the groomer and they said that sometimes a puppy could have a seizure if it was really stressful, but to watch her and bring her in the morning if she has another. The store was closed when Weezie had her second seizure. She had them all night one every hour. In the morning I called Bansfield and told them what happened and they said to bring her right in. When I got to Petsmart there was the tech that handed me Weezie. She told me she saw that Weezie had a seizure and told her supervisor Melissa. So when I got to Bansfield, I spoke with the receptionist and she said that Melissa came and asked her if puppies could get seizures. Being a receptionist she did not get the doctor she instead told Melissa that puppies do not get seizures. This was all new information to me, no one informed me of the seizures until then. I went in and spoke to the doctor and asked what is going on, my dog was fine yesterday and today she is having a seizure every hour. I questioned the care that was given at the groomer, possibly got dropped or she could of eaten something. The doctor said no, it looked like distemper, and was beyond what they can do at Bansfield. So I was referred to another hospital which we went and they wanted to hospitalize her and try to treat her with more medication. I asked if they could give her medication so we could get home. They did. This morning we went to our vet by our home. Her respiratory had been compromised and the seizures had taken its toll on our poor Weezie and there was nothing they could do but she could go into ICU somewhere else but that would just buy a little time. The doctor said it was way too late and she would probably not survive. So we put her to sleep. She was only 5 months old.
Word of caution. Know where your dog is when they are getting groomed, Petsmart takes them behind closed doors. I found out they have a cage where they put the dogs in to be dried. The techs do not use their judgment on warning you if something has gone wrong to your pet, as what happened in our case. Take your pet to a less of a over crowed environment. You never know, it can happen to you! I no longer have a happy little puppy named Weezie and I do blame Petsmart as part of the problem my little puppy had.