My bill has went up to over 200 a month with no explanation. They said my rates increased because I was past the first year. No one told me that would happen and I talked to someone for over an hour last month. I asked if I could reduce the amount of channels I have, anything. The 'retention team' had me on hold for about 20 minutes before she told me I was 'literally getting the best deal they had' and if she would reduce the amount of channels it would actually increase my bill by 13 dollars. What?? So, I paid the penalty fee to cancel my contract. I went with Dish and Century Link package but had to keep Cox Home Life because to cancel with them 'it would seriously be like thousands of dollars'. When I called back to cancel service I was told by the representative that Century Link would not support Cox Home Life because they used Dial Up internet that was super slow. I was like wha?? No one uses Dial Up internet anymore! She said Century Link was so much slower than Cox and I couldn't stream movies or anything. I asked to talk to someone in the Cox Home Life Department and he said it was ridiculous what she told me and of course Century Link internet could support Cox Home Life. So now they are just lying and pulling stuff out of heir booty. I'm so over this company. Everyone I talked to was rude, condescending and almost seemed smug about the fact that I was stuck into a contract and they could raise my rates. Dish locks in their rates for the length of the contract. I am soooo over Cox!!! Never again!!