| - I contracted with Diana in May of 2012 to re-boot my wardrobe. The experience was fun, enlightening, intense, painless, and gratifying! I used three components of her services: closet clean-out, personal shopping, and guided shopping.
First, she came to my house and we analyzed my closet. She immediately felt like a new best friend, and the "pain" of letting go of old clothes was made logical and smooth. The next step was for Diana to go out shopping, picking out clothes just for me! [In the meantime, I also started shopping, to practice what she had just taught me.]
She came back to my house in 3 weeks with a car-load of clothes. I tried them on and we put together outfits (even using the old clothes that had passed the test). She even bought jewelry and accessories, just little touches that really meant a lot in changing my outlook on how to dress and present myself.
Her guidance also helped me continue to shop over the summer, knowing what i had learned and using the new clothes to make decisions.
Finally, we met up again in the fall, because of course I also needed new fall clothes and we had to wait until the stores were stocked. This time, we shopped together, which is another category of her services. It was effortless and I couldn't believe how many items we found and bought in just one shopping day. Certainly better choices and more fearless then I would have made on my own.
Her input and advice have stayed with me for almost 2 years now. I'm still excited about the clothes she picked out. It was and remains an amazing experience, because she still keeps in touch and follows up with me, checking in to see if there's anything I need.