| - good place to go, they only sell verizon service, im a long time verizon customer, their company is a verizon dealer, not an actualy verizon store, however i found out they have the same deals, and since they are not a corporate company they can give more discounts on phone and accessories. During my purchase for my new upgrade i they give a me a bunch of discounts for working with them. My S3 i purchased for 199$ which is the same prices as the verizon store however i got discounts on all my accessories. The customer service was pretty good, they all seemed to know what they were talking about. The gentlemen who helped me out was Brandon, i believe he was the manager, he got me into buying the diamond wireless insurance, well... there was a customer who was replaceing her phone in the store because she cracked her screen. it took her about an hour, which i thought was great, that was the reason why i bought their insurance instead of getting verizon's standard insurance. Overall my experience was really good, i also really like that the sales people weren't pushy about what phone to buy. I definitely recommend this location to buy a verizon phone.