Post Offices are places where I usually grumble about having to go to, but this location is the one that I grumble the least about visiting. It's all about the location. If you're coming in from the South it's easy to get off the highway right before the tunnel and be at the Post Office. When you get out of your car you get a free view of the McCarran air traffic. Hey, there's the Virgin Airways 747 again! And dang it's loud and it's big cause it's just right across the street from you!. You have easy access to the outside boxes to drop and go, and they pick up the mail later than other PO's do. And if it's tax time, this is THE PO to go to if you want your taxes postmarked in time and want to do it as close to midnight as possible...and maybe pick up a brief TV appearance in the process.
If you go inside and the counter is open service is usually fast. And yes you can get passports here. I've had a PO Box here and was very pleased with the service and support received. Overall I consider this location to be the best PO in Vegas, hands down.
4 Stars based on almost 2 years of frequent visits.