There should be two reviews... one for the AM, one for the FM.
The AM side is excellent. They have a good mix of national shows and local productions. The meterologists are great. I could do without all the agricultural information (especially during weekday afternoons), but I understand it has value. Ok and there have been times when I've thought about calling up and promising to pledge lots of money if they'd just get rid of "Says You." I hate that show...those people just seem annoying. But I really do appreciate the AM programming a lot.
I dinged a star on this review because of the FM side. I swear that whoever does their programming has no sense of when they should play sleepy music (you know... when the majority of listeners are trying to relax at the end of the day) versus peppier music (you know... when most of us are waking up). And pieces from British operas entitled something about "Why so pale and wan?" Really? That doesn't need to be on the radio and not at 7 in the morning on Monday. I'd also like to hear more variety. I know they shake up the lineup on Friday and Saturday nights, but I'd like to hear *more* jazz programming throughout the week. Not just classical.