I took my nieces, ages 7 and 10, to the GLSC as a way to pass a frigid, snowy afternoon. I was happy to have an indoor activity that we could enjoy together - and I really appreciated the Teacher Discount on admission.
The special show, "Fire and Ice" was charming and the interactive stations in the Maker Space were definitely the biggest hit with the girls (even if the supplies were running woefully low)! They also enjoyed the interactive activities on the upper floor. Some of the headier, more overtly educational exhibits did go over their heads and their engagement with them was very brief. After about 1-1/2 hours they were pretty well done exploring.
Though I enjoyed my time at the museum, I found the layout rather counterintuitive; the bulk of the activity stations are, as I mentioned, on the upper floor/out of sight from the main entryway, and one's progression through the space is rather stilted. It's a pleasant way to pass an afternoon with kids, but one visit might be enough to last me a while!