I wouldn't say that it's the world's greatest pizza unless I happen to be an intense globetrotter like Carmen Sandiego where I have actually tried pizza from other locations in the world (I hear the pizza in Siberia, is how you say...COOL...hahaha... *cough*). But I would say Sammy's certainly beats many pizza places in Calgary alone.
We've ordered pizza from here several times since Sammy's isn't a dine-in restaurant. It is located just off MacLeod Trail nearby Humptys. The price is fair, compared to most pizza joints where for the same amount of money, you get dis-formed regurgitate tasting pizza that a kindergarten child can easily draw with a set of crayons.
We've ordered several styles of pizza from Sammy's ranging from meat lovers to veggie lovers. But I must admit, I didn't fully appreciate their level until I tried their cheese pizza. It was hot, fresh, and the cheese was cooked so that you can enjoy the luscious melted texture, while you get the occasional pleasant surprise of the salty-bitter burnt fromage crust.
Did I just sound like an uptight gourmet reviewer who just spazzed over a simple piece of pizza? The child in me weeps at what I have become.