| - Call me crazy but when I see a place like this (one that I personally enjoy) with such mediocre reviews I wonder 'What's wrong with everyone?'. I have a policy at home that a restaurant with less than 4 stars should be bypassed or reserved for a day you wont be upset at a 'waste'. I take my food very seriously. So I ventured a little more in to the review section here to see what brought the marks down on this place, and here it is:
1) Price: Yes, it's expensive. Even I feel, at times, it's expensive to an unreasonable degree. It's casual atmosphere, service style, and location doesn't account for the price tag...but then I remember: This is alternative food. There are unique, healthy, exotic and unheard of, things on this menu. This cost money. Quality cost money. If you are a first timer to the health craze, 'detox' community the menu is confusing and unwarranted. Which brings me to my next point.
2) Intimidation: A ton of low marks came from sheer cluelessness. I won't berate the point, but this is obnoxious. I compare this to visiting a restaurant that serves offal and complaining about all the calf brains on the menu. Newbies, should take this restaurant as a learning experience and not a let down, that someone didn't just throw clique poutine on their plate.
3) Health Factor: A continuation of the above is the fact that people want poutine. 'These cheese curds didn't taste like cheese curds'. Well, of course they didn't. It's not cheese. Please oh please do not be surprised when things don't taste exactly as you want when this particular thing is not made with any of the same ingredients. If that is too harsh, don't eat here. These alternative foods are tasty, for what they are. The reviewers should know this, and review in context. I'll repeat: Burgers don't taste like burgers, and tacos don't taste like tacos. But Fresh's VERSION of these things is damn good. Please see: Quinoa Onion Rings.
4) Size and Service: It's beyond me how the same reviewers mentioned (too) large of portions and in the same breath the high price. Second with this complaint is service. A word to the wise, although prices are steep, this isn't fine dining. It's a cafe. Loud, bustling, and semi obnoxious. Know that.
All in all Fresh isn't the most amazing place I've ever been, but it's one of the best doing what they do. And within the context of it all, deserves a little more than three stars.