I'm normally a Sur la Table guy when it comes to fancy cooking stores. I've been into Williams-Sonoma once or twice before, but I never think to go in on a regular basis.
However, when I recently needed some kitchen twine (which is surprisingly hard to track down), I decided to pop into Williams-Sonoma on my way home so that I wouldn't have to enter the mall proper. I ended up regretting my decision.
I found the twine--for $8. Ok, I said, that's expensive for string, but I'm tired of running around, and it comes in a dispenser with a cutter that I can reuse. So yes, I said, I'm going to buy the damn string.
I take my purchase up to the register and greet the cashier. in return I get "Is that really all you're buying?" I was shocked. This wasn't being-a-good-cashier-and-offering-help. This was why-are-you-wasting-my-time-you-moron.
I'm sure you can imagine my shock when she repeated this demand once more before reluctantly checking me out. And even further shock when she snapped at me because I didn't want to give them my email address for an $8 purchase. I won't be back to this store in particular, and perhaps Williams-Sonoma in general.
What the hell?