DAN IS THE MAN! Dan has been my waiter for all of my visits at Flat Top and I wouldn't have it any other way! So very helpful, kind, and all around pleasant. At my most recent visit I absentmindedly forgot my wallet, we had taken the bus there and live on the near east side, so it was going to be a snowy trek home and back to pay my bill. A trek I was willing to take, but Dan wouldn't have it that way, being so kind and trusting told me I could pay the next time. I was super surprised and touched that he was willing to take mersey on us. We came to the conclusion that I could call with my credit card and pay over the phone. I got home and called, the woman on the phone was aware of the situation, and also very nice. I made sure to tip Dan handsomely for helping us out in our in our moment of panic. He has defiantly made a long time patron of me. Thanks again Dan!