Having the misfortune of renting from McMath for two years, I now
understand the definition of slumlord. Avoid at all cost! First of all,
they treat you like you're subhuman just because you rent. Excuse me?
Some of us make plenty of money but rent by choice! Secondly, the condo
I rented had a busted air conditioner. They kept sending out a repair
guy but the unit was so messed up it was beyond repair. It ran all the
time but wouldn't cool and my APS bill was insanely high. Thirdly, they
will steal from you. You will not get your deposit back due to trumped
up charges. After all the crap I put up with? You should be reimbursing
me for $400 electric bills in an 1100 sq ft condo! I am sooo happy I
never have to deal with these bozos ever again.