HOW DO YOU SPELL ABYSMAL? Why doesn't Yelp has negative stars? Sammy's Beach Bar and Grill was the only sit down restaurant at our gate at the LV Airport and at the end of a great vacation, we wanted a nice place to sit down and have our last vacation meal. Big--- big---- BIG MISTAKE! Just thinking about the meal is making my stomach feel queasy. This review doesn't have anything to do with the prices at the restaurant ($13 for a sh*tty mixed drink that was mostly ice?) It's about the quality. We tried what seemed like 2 pretty safety choices: a grilled chicken sandwich and a chicken quesadilla. The chicken sandwich was served with a sad helping of fries topped with a sprinkling of shredded white cheese. Visually unappetizing (served on a triangular plastic plate in a haphazard way). The chicken in both dishes tasted like something precooked you would buy in a bag at Sam's. That's fine if you want convenience and you know what to expect. Wendy's, Burger King, Popeye's (all choices in our gate that I WISHED we selected instead of Sammy's) can manage to serve a real piece of chicken that doesn't taste like it fell off a Cisco truck-- what's going on with Sammy's? Not only was the food substandard it ended up making me feel funny-in-the-tummy later. The gift that keeps on giving. Not only does my experience sour me on Sammy's restaurant(s) but I seriously don't think I'll be able to hear a Sammy Hagar or a Hagar Van Halen song without feeling sick. Guess someone at Hagar, Inc. hasn't heard of branding.