My Cat started sneezing constantly and it was alarming. It was a weekend evening it started..on a Saturday and still there Sunday. My vets in my area were closed but I
got the above company's number as an emergency contact from a vet's answering machine.
I called and brought my cat right down. The staff were very nice and the vet was really great. She confirmed my cat's good signs, no discharge from nose or eyes, breathing is very good, things I needed to hear. She said he probably did get something to irritate his nostrils but since he was eating good and drinking water...she said we could wait a few days to see if the sneezing resolved itself else take to our regular vet for tests to see if maybe something got into his nose and he is trying to get rid of it. A wonderful relief to hear at 11 PM Sunday night.
The checkup she did of him physically and vital fever, etc. was a huge relief that more was not going on except sneezing. We all got a good nights sleep because of
the staff and Dr. Erika Fauth. Thank you all. Your information stopped our panic attack, which happens when your pet seems sick and the world is closed on Sunday night.....but
not VE+CC.