Simply some of the most atrocious pricing of used games, I would say second only to ebay but employees who do trades are INSTRUCTED to check the highest ebay listing price and add anywhere from 5 to 15 dollars on top of that. Plus tax. Yeah, they'll take in your trades for a third of what they're supposedly worth and on top of that have the nerve to charge tax for used goods. There is absolutely no benefit to trading in your used games, dvds etc here when it's so easy to open up an ebay account and gain momentum with feedback selling small stuff first. Maybe then you could help deflate the used game pricing bubble and ask for less than other sellers. anything like that is a commendable effort to stop retail chains like these from screwing over customers who don't know and don't care better. Of course I'm speaking idealistically but there is no slowing down or stopping the video game price gouging bubble, soon it'll reach critical mass and all but the most dedicated collectors will refuse to pay $130 for smash Bros meele. I can't wait for that day to come so chains like this can incur huge losses.