| - This evening was my first night back to lifetime cafe in several years ...
First impression: a bit confused I asked the gentleman working behind the counter if breakfast was served all day, and he responded by telling me they had already shut down the ovens for the day (and this was @ 6:30, and they didn't close till 7:00) so you say the cafe is open until 7:00, but people can't order food? The worker told me that I could only order a shake or a prepackaged food to go ...
I am also not a huge fan of all the changes that have been made to the menu - I prefer some consistency, especially regarding some of my favorite items that used to be offered here.
I ended up trying the bodybuilder shake with chocolate flavoring and peanut butter & banana ... It was good, but I wa disappointed that I was not able to order actual food, and last time I talked to a manger about this very same issue he explained to me that they are not supposed to shut down the grill/oven early (they are supposed to wait until close) .... Sooooo ????
I used to like coming here, but not if things close down early and I can't rely on the listed open hours ... I have seen this issue with lifetime workers before ... trying to close down the cafe early and refusing to make members food during the open hours. This has seriously got to stop. I hope the management sees this review and takes care of this issue because the cafe not only loses out on sales, but it's frustrating/annoying as a member to deal with lazy workers who just want to get out of work right on time instead of doing their job.
The prices here are moderate, and as I mentioned in this post ... Staff here can be hit or miss. Sometimes they are good and great, other times they are nice, but slackers deep down ...
The facility itself is very nice - clean, comfortable, and offers plenty of options when workers aren't claiming that its policy to turn off ovens/grills waaay prior to closing time ...
I will try it out again to see if this issue has been resolved ... Be on the look out for my update ;)