We've used this store before with no issues but times change things..... Different people working today 2/8/16 than when previously in. Walked in two women working. One (with darker hair) helping customer, greets us and says they'll be with us shortly. The other (with lighter brown hair) walks out of the store. 5-10 mins later she returns.....with Starbucks (perhaps she hadn't clocked in yet-I always try to be positive at first). She comes to us after some difficulty logging in to her computer. We were there to add/port a number. She asks about a sim card, gets the SIM card number/type and goes to the back. When she comes back she asks for the info to be ported over and provides a pen and paper to write it down (still hasn't asked for our info though). She asks another customer how she can help her (wow, can't wait one minute for the info to be written down) and begins to help her, has to go to the back again. I meanwhile place the paper (with the info) and pen at her "station". She comes back out and says it would be cheaper to go through a corporate office...uuummmm I wonder is management appreciates the income loss? At this point it's clear going ANYWHERE else would be better. We left, not because it's cheaper but because we value good customer service. I'd tell you a name but she wasn't wearing a name badge.