| - "What would you do if I sang out of tune?
Would you stand up and walk out on me?
Lend me your ears and I'll sing you a song,
And I'll try not to sing out of key."-"With A Little Help From My Friends", Beatles
Beatles LOVE, with seating in the round, so not a bad seat in the house. It's been showcased on the Strip for a long time now, and still draws the crowds nightly.
We used Tix4Tonight to score some primo seats for cheap. There's a part of the act where a surpise is brought out to the audience and we happened to be the very last row to participate. I won't spoil it, but it was fun!
Pre-show, some clowns put on some comic relief by, literally, blowing smoke up people's arses. Kinda creepy, kinda funny - it was great seeing people's reactions.
The highlights of Beatles LOVE, for me, were the aerialist during "Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds" & the act featuring "Strawberry Fields Forever". Very touching. I didn't care much for the halfpipes and rollerbladers. Oh, and the music is on blast! I'm talking loud! So, just be mindful of that, if you have sensitive hearing.
Overall, a great show worth the money & time while in Vegas! I highly recommend using Tix4Tonight for purchasing tickets the day before/day of. Our seats were great & we saved a lot of money. I'm generally not a Cirque du Soleil fan, but I highly enjoyed this eclectic & colorful show.