I paid for a package. A being a haircut. B being highlights or lowlights. C being a nail appointment etc. I booked A because I needed a haircut. The stylist told me to combine A and B. I said I wasn't sure because I like my hair so soooo dark that I don't like highlights but maybe super dark lowlights. He said highlights would look good. I insisted they had to be dark brown and just a little lighter than my hair. He said ok. He washed the foils out and I have like 5 streaks of bleached blonde streaks in my hair. I look awful. Then the boss said they can't combine A actually so no haircut. Now I'm at a real salon getting it fixed and paying AGAIN!!! I will never buy a cheap package because you really get what you pay for. I was crying as I walked away. After throwing the package certificate at them and telling them I wouldn't be back for the other parts.