| - This is definitly one of the best places to see a band down in downtown phoenix, even better than Dodge Arena or whatever the hell it's called, Aerosmith or friggin' Man-O-War is not gonna be stopping by the Trunkspace anytime soon. And the admission isn't going to require a donation of plasma OR the blood of your first born child. For such a small, hot little art gallery every band I've ever seen there doesn't sound at all bad, it's always balanced pretty nicely.
Although you're not gonna find any liqour being poured in the building, you won't have to endure a straight edge night just yet, because the sweet Bikini Lounge is within twenty steps of the Trunkspace! WOO! Not to take away from the Trunkspace's totally bangin' soda pop/espresso/lenin-ade selection, but man do I want a strong cheap drink in between bands. The Trunkspace even has a cute little bathroom for all your booze induced pee time! Yes! It's the worst when you have to pee on the back of a building where a cat could or could not jump on you whilst peeing. THE WORST!
Anyways, this place rocks. There is always something pretty/interesting hanging on the walls or for sale near the front of the shop. Plus you can get the coolest black and white photos of you and your hot lady friend taken in the vintage photo booth. The only downside sometimes is the parking. They have a little baby lot right next to the building but it fills up fast with band's vans and stuff, so you have to go park down one of the side streets, which I've never heard of anything getting stolen or broken into but still it doesn't look to friendly. But who cares, and since when has it been easy to park in downtown phoenix?
Even if you don't know a few of the bands playing that night, they're probably really interesting if not totally awesome. Just like books, you should check 'em out.