This grocery store is so disappointing. I can't help but wonder if the management or inventory coordinator has no clue what they're doing. They are always out of stock of at least one important produce item that I need for a recipe. And these items are typically common items, like green onions or a type of potato. Their produce is also of low-to-average quality. A couple months they had no crescent rolls (other than the reduced fat kind). Yesterday, they were out of canned pumpkin. These were all big annoyances when you're trying to make a recipe that cannot be made without these items. I've rarely ever been in this situation at other grocery stores, but this seems to be a regular occurrence at Copp's in Middleton. The staff always makes the excuse that they are a "smaller store" than other Copp's. I would accept that excuse if I was hunting for specialty items. Everything they seem to be out of are common items. The only thing this store has going for it is friendly employees and good neighborhood location.