ASU, you suck. It's unbelievable how much you thoroughly, utterly, entirely suck.
It sucked to transfer to your sucky campus.
It sucked to park.
It sucked to be pillaged for every penny I didn't have.
It sucked to show up to sucky classes.
It sucked to have to dodge the sorority/fraternity students.
It sucked to have to see the same 100 young marrieds in every single one of my classes.
It sucked to try and see my sucky advisor.
It sucked to apply to graduate.
It sucked to wait in the freezing cold at 7am for an hour before convocation.
It sucked when you tried to tell me my degree wasn't done because one of your sucky teachers didn't post my grade.
It sucked to have to make you fix your mistake, dragging your feet the entire time.
I am NOT a sun devil, regardless of the thousands and thousands of dollars it cost to get my undergrad from you. And I don't ever want to see your sucky face again, ASU.