I came in for the first time today. I am in pain tonight. I have ingrown nails on my big toes. Skilled nail techs don't have a problem with it. This lady cut so far down my toe was filling with blood. She kept squirting something on the nail that stung but didn't heal it and was not first aid of any kind. She ended up ripping the good skin off and now both large toes are bright red and sore.
When she was exfoliating my foot with the grater tool on my toes she was looking and talking to another client and I had to let her know she was hurting me.
When she did the mani it was ok but towards the end she was running to a client at the pedi bowl and then back to me. The biggest issue I had was there was sloppy painting so she kept digging her nail around mine. I have a huge problem with that. It's not legal and the reason it's not legal is because it puts people are risk of bleeding and spreading disease.
She was very sweet but the pain and rawness of my feet really isn't ok. Not when I paid almost $70.