One night, Teej and I walked past this shop after becoming sufficiently inebriated (thanks, gin!). It was well after 9:30 p.m., but we caught the eye of the proprietor who was behind a desk. He beckoned us inside. It was an odd situation to find myself in--a gaming shop, several hours after normal stores close for the night, kind of drunk.
BUT! They had a fantastic array of nerdy games. Teej and I admired these for awhile, vowing that we would return to patronize the store should we be in need of nerdy games in the near future. The owner also told us that if we wanted something he didn't have, he'd special order it and we'd get 10% off. How's that for service?
Here's to you, nerd store! I tip my hat in your direction. You've bested my Spaniard.