If you need a reliable pharmacy with a reliable pharmacist, please, go elsewhere. The day shift pharmacist on staff on 2/6/2017 at 12:15pm just refused to fill my husband's 2 seizure medications because he claimed "They are both the same drug!!" simply because they are both benzodiazepines. In point of fact, the two drugs are in different classes. Clonazepam is considered a long-acting benzodiazepine, with a rapid onset time of one to four hours and a half-life of approximately 34 hours, while lorazepam is a short-acting benzodiazepine with the same approximate onset time but a half-life of about 15 hours.
I had my husband leave Walmart, and go across the street to CVS, where they actually KNOW their medications and filled his prescriptions without issue.
Walmart needs to STOP TREATING SEIZURE PATIENTS LIKE DRUG SEEKERS AND FILL THEIR MEDICATIONS. My husband is a legitimate seizure patient, under the care of a respected Neurologist, not a drug addicted drug seeker.