If you like A/C during the hot months, this is not the place for you. Last summer the A/C went out at least once a week. The schedule was, "it will be on by Thursday."
Bugs were a constant. I lived here from Sept 2012 through July 2013 in three different units so I know the bug issue wasn't specific to one single unit.
Office management gossips and talks negatively about the tenants when they think no one is around. I agree with fair housing laws but Cabana seems to have no filter when letting people become tenants. 8 out of 10 are either heavily on drugs or are completly strung out of their minds from prior drug addiction.
Slapping bright neon colors on a building and calling it good DOES NOT qualify it as being tenant ready. The exterior of the apts may look pretty but the innards are decrepit. (This was someting that was verbalized to me by one of the maintenance men who quit because he couldn't even stand Cabana himself.) Once, I tried taking a bath and the bath filled up with yellow water. Just more proof to show how haggard this place really is.
The only positive thing I can say about this black hole is that Kim, the head maintenance guy was awesome.