Dr. Day convinced me to extract 4 perfectly healthy bicuspids in order alleviate crowding. Almost immediately, I began to notice significant facial changes. My face thinned out tremendously. My cheekbones became sallow, my lips thinned and my facial skin began to sag. I was only 28 years old at the time. My family and friends all noticed as well. This was the biggest mistake of my life. I should have done my research! There is extensive research available about the adverse effects of tooth extraction on facial aesthetics.
This is basically an irreversible decision, and it would have been nice to have some sort of warning about the possibility of facial changes. As well, alternatives to bicuspid removal should have been presented to me. Extraction for orthodontic treatment is a very 'old fashion' practice and I am thoroughly disappointed in the outcome. I am now spending countless hours researching ways to reverse the effects of Dr. Day's laziness. Please do your research and find another orthodontist who is willing to put in the work for a better outcome. You will be glad you did.