| - Yesterday, I graduated from the first weekend of Discovery at ChoiceCenter. My experience was absolutely incredible. I was resistant to attend this course because I thought I had nothing to work on, when in reality, I knew there was so much to learn about myself. I went into this personal development program with the intention of learning how to trust myself, how to be confident, and how to improve my relationships.
At first, I found it hard to be open and vulnerable with others. I held myself back and was too scared to contribute, and I realized I do that all of the time in the real world. I don't stand up for myself when I'm hurt by a friend. I let people walk all over me and take advantage of my kindness. I never share what's honestly on my mind because I'm scared of the response that people may have. I stay in my comfort zone to be comfortable and safe. I don't like to "rock the boat" or have anything be different in my life because I'm terrified of change, of taking risks, and of failing. I put up guards and walls to block people out because I want to protect myself from experiencing pain. I push myself to no end in school, work, and life because I only want to succeed - but at the same time, I am way too hard on myself. I never give myself a break and I punish myself constantly for not being perfect or good enough.
Through Discovery, I came to realize that I have SO many talents, SO much potential, SO much intelligence, SO much sympathy for others, SO much love to give... and I get to stop holding myself back from things that I know I am perfectly capable of. I am eternally grateful for the people that I have met within these 4 days, because they have all taught me some very special lessons. I have made unforgettable connections with the people from my LV and this experience has truly been out of this world. I get to go out into the world with a whole new pair of eyes now with a way different and improved outlook on life. I am SO GRATEFUL and I'm truly filled with pure joy. 4444