I remember when Dozens was new in Pittsburgh and i was a regular at the squirrel hill location. I remember loving their cupcakes (vegan and non vegan) But something happened along the way, coupled with all their different locations closing Im just not a fan anymore. I have given dozens so many chances since then, tried different locations but they just dont make a good cupcake anymore. This review is referring to my last experience. The one that broke the camels back. I recently went to the Butler location and ordered 2 cupcakes, Vanilla and Chocolate (simple). The customer sevice was great. the girl was friendly and nice. (2 star worthy) The cupcake however was meh. The cake was really dry. I mean it was later in the day (5pm) when i got them but still a delicious well made cupcake should remain moist for at least a day. The icing was also crusty too sweet and not creamy. The cupcakes did not taste fresh. I hear they do lunch/brunch items now. I spotted someone having some mac and cheese, so maybe their focus has moved from their baked goods to lunch items..who knows? There are places in pittsburgh that make better cupcakes so why bother? I won't be going back to Dozens. We're done! Kaput!