Dr. Melanie Lowrance and Jason just came to the house to do a litter check on my 5day old chocolate labs, we also had dew claws removed. They both were so very nice and did the removal quickly but with care. I sure appreciated this as it is my least favorite part of caring for a new litter. The HUGE benefit to this is not just the convenience of having a vet come to your home, but taking a new puppy to the vet is leaving them susceptible to other doggie germs. This risk is something I don't like to take. Parvo as well as other things are so easily spread.
Regarding cost, I have 4 dogs and all vets charge an office visit and then the price of whatever service you are receiving. Small Animal House Calls home visit charge was $45. I am not sure if the price changes depending on where you live, but I know some "offices" can charge upwards of $60, so I felt the $45 was a great price. The dew claw removal was also a bit cheaper than one of the vets I go to and the same price as another.....so to me, this was a no brainer! Add into the equation, now that I met the team, how awesome they are and I just found myself a new vet!