I hate those so-called saver-card key-fob thingys, even when you don't have it with you, the clerk will scan their own.
I have a message for CVS: is it company policy for your clerks to ask the customer "I'm just trying to help you save money"? when there's no discount on the item or when the customer refuses to for whatever reason, cough up the keyfob. REALLY??
...Trying to help ME save money?
This is how you help me save money: don't charge so much to begin with and don't do me any favors with this type of guilt-inducing marketing ploy, which just pisses me off more because it's really annoying and patronizing.
If I REALLY wanted to save money, I'd keep it ALL in my pocket, AND If I want to spend every cent in my pocket that's MY choice.
For CVS to make their clerks scan with that dang key fob it as if their lives/jobs depended upon it, even when it's NOT A SALE ITEM ...it's offensive and such a waste of time in a desperately pointless ploy to mitigate guilt; and its too bad I live down the street!
It's good thing Walgreen's doesn't have to kiss up to me in order to keep people working and their businesses open.