Had the pushiest salesman come to my home a few minutes ago. I don't like to be rude and I like to keep my options open which is why I let him go through his spiel. After realizing it wasn't going to be a fit, I explained to him that I was going to stick with the company I decided on. He began telling me the differences between the two companies and how much better they were, I explained I was running late for something and he kept talking. So I told him that I would need to talk to my husband about it since it's a year contract and he said "it's not like it's 25yrs, it's only 1yr. Would he be mad if you just did it?" REALLY!? No respect, he kept going on and on and I had to keep reiterating that I was in a time crunch. I even offered him to call me later and that would give us time to talk about it and he still kept pushing, trying to get me to sign something without discussing it with my partner. I HATE pushy sales people!