As someone who is in the health care profession, I can say that the techniques used in this type of care does work! It's true that medicine overlooks natural forms of treatment such as fascial release, but it seems that science is proving it's effectiveness.
I came in desperately looking for something to help my pulsatile tinnitus. I went the traditional route by seeing my primary care doc, specialist, and imaging only to find nothing wrong. After researching symptoms of somatosensory issues, I thought that the cause of my problem can be within my fascial system. Rowena was quick to answer my emails and scheduled me as soon as she had an opening. She explained her techniques and made sure I knew what would happen. Myofascial release is very gentle and relaxing. After the session she provided instruction on post care. It took awhile to actually notice the differences due to the body healing. About a week later I noticed my pulsatile tinnitus decreasing in volume and my back/neck felt less tense. This form of treatment works! Anyone who suffers from muscle stiffness or any related ailment should give this a try.