Every time we go to Vegas we always get excited to come here. Until we get there.
There is something about it that makes us always forget get that while they do have factory outlet stores of a lot of cool stores, this place is a dump!
The food court alone is enough to make me gag but, with all of the carts in the middle trying to hound you, you have no choice but to quickly turn into a store to get away from them, then while shopping in that store you realized, that everything is 30% off of a 50% markup, and then they slap the word "outlet" and then stand back and collect money.
I realized this trip that everything they have there you can either find online, or at the same price as the regular stores, it's only worth going if there is a store there that you don't have where you live, but then you have to figure out if it's worth the $20 each way cab ride.