| - Rediculous, the front desk lady says" none of the staff listens to me". You wonder why. Look if you have so much time on your hands and you don't know what to do with it,and you're the type of person who likes to be mentally abused and not respected, then this is your place to be. But if you're like most people and time is precious and need peace of mind and your health needs to be taken care of asap then never go to sun radiology on 59th in Glendale Arizona. This is the worst place and service I've been to.
I walked in on Tuesday Oct. 4th, 2016 just to make an appointment and the front desk tells me to sign in and have a seat. I told her "I just want to make an appointment for an ultrasound and mammogram and she tells me to sit down and wait. I waited 20 minutes, then another lady walks in and says she'd like to make an appointment and another employee took care of her after 5 minutes. I get up and said i just want to make sure you know that I don't have an appointment and need to make one. She said ok give me a second. She helps out other patients who were sitting there with screwed up appointments and finally she said ok I can help you, then she starts complaining how no one listens to her here.
Then we proceeded to make an appointment for Friday 7 th of oct. at 9 am. I filled out all necessary papers and gave my I.d. And license and the two orders from my doc.
Then she said you're all set you're ready to go, then she says well if you want you can do the mammogram today and get it over with. I said are you sure you'll have Time to do it today? Because it's already 11:40 and I have to be out by 12:15 PM so that I could pick up my toddler and she says yes yes we could do it today so I sat there waiting another 20 minutes or so already I've been there an hour almost and then she says can you come up here you know we can't do your mammogram today I made a mistake and I said what do you mean then the manager comes and tells her "you scheduled a mammogram today ? you know she is not here today". And by the way I had a mammogram done at their office in December 2013 and I asked him when my mammogram was done and they said "you've never been here this is your first timein this office", I said no I've only had one mammogram done and it was in your office and they're like are you sure you were here not an arrowhead or whatever place they mentioned and I said yes I know I've only been to Sun radiology and they said well let's look at The archives then another lady went and checked and she said no "I do not find your record at all in this office you must be mistaken".
You can understand how I'm feeling at this time and just how ridiculous is this you tell me my records are not here you tell me the first 20 minutes I'm waiting that I need to make an appointment I have to wait for it then another lady comes in and she makes an appointment five minutes after and then no I can't do either and she goes oh I'm sorry with a big smile on her face but you are set for Friday at 9:00 and 9:30 said OK write it down on a card. Then today comes which is Friday, October 7 and I go there with my husband I took the day off from work my husband took time off from work and I took my toddler to babysitter since he did not have toddler school today and I go there and they told me after him finding another 10 minutes pass by and I get there and say you know my bladder is full because you told me to drink 32 ounces of water and I just want to make sure I'm going to be on time for the ultrasound then the lady just proceeded to tell me that my insurance does not pay for the ultrasound and the mammogram and that I would have to pay cash if I wanted to go on and I said what do you mean, "we do not except your insurance" and I have Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona and she says that I cannot go on without appointment unless I pay cash and I said how come you're telling me this now when I prepared for all this, why didn't you tell me on Wednesday or Thursday mornings or afternoon before 6 o'clock so I would be prepared to cancel the appointment and not have to call off of work or my husband call time from work and I don't have to send my baby to the babysitter, she said well we found out with your insurance yesterday. I had made the appointment from Tuesday morning.
Why wasn't I told before and she says and we cannot call you at 6 o'clock or after I said well when did you find out about the insurance and she says last night at 5:48 PM. Now you be the judge of what kind of service this was. And by the way I had my record that I had been to sound radiology in December 2013 I brought a copy with me to show them they didn't know what to say