Wow. I just had the worst experience ever. probably the worst pedicure of all time. I walked in around 3pm and NO ONE was in there. That probably should have been the first sign. I got a french pedi and wanted rhinestones under the line of white polish. It looked like total crap and she re did it 3 times before me telling her to just not do it. No massage, no scrub, no nothing! I was surprised that she rushed so much since no one was waiting. Then the owner walks in and makes a call on the salon phone. She was yelling and screaming at the top of her lungs complaining about "bad service" at another place. Ironic? Then comes the best part....the nail tech takes out a "hot towel" to remove the little bit of lotion she smeared on my leg. The towel was insanely hot and i said "ouch that burns" i go to remove the towel myself and she runs over and put it back on. After 20 seconds of the towel being on my leg she removes it. I have THE WORST BURN on my leg! I complained and said that this is ridiculous and that it hurts really bad. The owner fights me on it and told me i was being just a baby and that it will go down. I am almost in tears at this point and i walk out. I personally called State Board and complained. Buyer Beware. STAY FAR AWAY! And now my leg is still bright red with welts on it.