This a chain. You know what they have, you know the price point, no big surprises there. There are so many chain pharmacies in Charlotte and they seem to do very little to differentiate themselves from one another.
Thankfully, I only have one prescription I have to deal with and just have to go by once a month. But, on that monthly trip I'm immediately irritated if I go inside. Generally I'm the only person at the Rx counter and there are 2-4 employees working. No one acknowledges you for at least 1-2 minutes; it's like they have a timer and can't speak before it goes off. Then, all they say is "Be right with you". When someone does finally ask your name they dig through, find your Rx, make you sign the insurance book and cash you out with no more words. It's really amazing how little communication goes on.
The drive-thru pickup, if it doesn't have a long-line is slightly better for some reason. Not personable at all but at least a bit quicker.
I'm really just rather meh about the place and wish there was a local pharmacy that took my insurance.