Thought I broke my hand. Sadly it doesn't work to go get an image before you go to the doctor so I had to wait and get in to my doctor who checked it then gave me the order for the xray. Said he would get the results that afternoon and let me know. This being the closest place I went there. They were announcing that the wait was an hour and a half. Got the form filled out and sat with the others. Very small waiting room so it was SRO. As I waited I was hacked on by the infirmed waiting for chest x-rays, kids with runny noses and other poor saps like me that had an injury. Luckily I was called in after only an hour. The technician was very nice and did all the images requested by my doctor. As I was leaving he said they would get the image to my doctor is two days. I told him my doctor said he would get them that afternoon. He said maybe my doctor had access. It took 2 days and luckily my hand is not broken.