| - Oh Frankie's how I love thee. Smoky, dark, divey with fun drinks. Now, I'm not the biggest fan of rum drinks but it is a must here. You have the choice to have your drink served in one of the many souvenir glasses (I really want the Easter Island statue replica). On weekend nights, it's quite busy and one night they even had a man with a chainsaw making a fresh totem pole out of a log. It's also a great place to wind down after a night shift when it's less busy and you get one on one time with one of the many great bartenders.
Let's just take a moment to talk about the random clips that play on the tvs. Sometimes, old school porn, sometimes old school porn with marionettes who then kill their partner, surfing scenes, beach scenes and just all and all randomness. Never a dull moment.
In summary, solid drinks, casual, fun and great service.