| - Dr. Brandt is the best! Our little Sunshine was putting on weight no matter what we did, she was lethargic, and our vet here couldn't find anything wrong with her, we knew there was something not quite right. My husband and I decided we would make the trip to Vegas to see Dr. Brant, we're so glad we did. Dr. Brant knew exactly what was wrong with our little one and prescribed certain medications, oils and a specific diet for her.
Our pet sitters our in Vegas and they told us about her, one of them came with us so she could be informed as to what to do for her when we leave her with them. So wonderful and I felt at peace after speaking with Dr. Brandt.
Our little girl was reacting to the shots she had and was causing inflammation throughout her poor little body.
As soon as we came home I went out shopping and bought the foods for the diet, started her on her medications and low and behold she's already showing signs of improvement, it's only been a week and when we go on our walks she runs now on her own free will and likes to take the longer way, which makes me very happy, Before she would barely walk and was so tired after them, and now she's running on them and wanting to take the longer way, it's so wonderful to see her energy coming back again.
Neither of us regret going to see her especially seeing the change so quickly.
Thank you Dr. Brandt for giving us our little girl girl back.