I'm always game for an adventure. Add in the mix of getting to know fellow Yelp Community Ambassadors from other cities and I'm TOTALLY DOWN - even Karaoke, which happens to be my nemesis.
Yeah. I'll admit. I'm not a fan of Karaoke. Don't get me wrong - I love watching other people sing. I personally don't enjoy doing it.
So when Scott C, an avid (and fantastic!) karaoker (is that a word?) asked if we were up for it, we went along. A local suggested The Grapevine and off we went on those motorized and overpriced golf-carts.
Walking in I noticed a foul stench coming from the ladies restroom and a line extending deep into the back. We had to squeeze our way to the back karaoke room and somehow, like a Yelp miracle, we found ourselves a table and chairs.
Boy did Scott C hit the nail on the head. I sucked down my beer anxiously awaiting the performance of Scott C. I knew it would be epic. I knew it would be legendary. I didn't know it would take freaking FOREVER. That Grand Master or whatever you call him was a total douche. There's absolutely no reason why someone should have to wait almost two hours to do Karaoke. That's just terrible!
At one point I went into the bathroom and walked into two boys mopping up a vile mess. They apologized and said they'd be done in a minute. When they were I opened a stall and found out they indeed were NOT. Vomit covered the stall door, bathroom seat, and just about every other square inch of the place. Yikes!
I suppose Grapevine has its "type" - lesson learned.