To be honest I would give a higher rating to this theatre since it's brand spankin new but there are a few things that I absolutely dislike about this theatre.
#1: The parking lot is a PAIN in the neck. I love the whole underground parking. It's great and all but the general layout of the outside parking lot is a mess. Getting out from the movies (say on a busy night) is nearly impossible. There's currently two entrances to the lot, one from birchmount and the other from enterprise. The one on enterprise is opened (it's also a one lane entrance for both sides) and the one on birchmount... despite it being there for so long... is blocked. It shouldn't take long to get out of a parking lot to be honest. If someone were trying to exit to make a left on enterprise, everyone behind would have to wait for that one car to clear before anyone else could exit. This is a waste of time.
#2: Location. Sure it's away from that busy First Markham Place but how is this convenient for anyone who doesn't drive. Those who take public transit now have to walk SUPER far to get to the theatre. I don't even know where they'd get off. Get off at the viva terminal and walk east to birchmount? Or take the hwy 7 bus, get off at birchmount and walk south? Not the most convenient location.
#3: They honestly do not have enough machines for prepaid tickets or the self kiosk for tickets. I haven't personally got into an inconvenience due to this because I print my tickets online but this is a major inconvenience for others.
#4: WHERE THE HELL ARE THE WASHROOMS? I don't know if I'm just blind but I did not find a washroom outside the paid tickets area. Please someone find me the washroom.
So far it hasn't been a horrible experience for me. I've been to this location a few times, a lot more kids than I would prefer but it's still really new and clean. I like the art that is displayed around the building and looking forward to better improvement for convenience of customers